The School of Missional Life is a three-term course that helps you to discover your kingdom identity, understand your kingdom authority and bring clarity to your kingdom assignment. Our heart is to be missional to those we live amongst. We desire to see a generation raised up who are intentionally infecting their communities with the kingdom through the daily routine of life… the result: the lost are saved, the sick healed, the poor welcomed and the captives freed.

By following Jesus we become his disciples – it’s how we experience the full power and privileges of our faith.
Jesus took his disciples on a three year mission trip to learn from him and to do their assignment - proclaim and demonstrate the good news of the kingdom!
One of the key ways we do discipleship at New Life Church is through our School of Missional Life. The three-term course is FREE, running from October 2024 to June 2025. However, students will be expected to cover the cost of a short-term mission trip as part of the course.
Come and learn who you really are as a child of the King, encounter his love and mercy, and answer the exciting call to live a missional life.

We will value, enjoy and partner with the reality of God’s presence, even through online worship as we have found no limit to what God can do!

We will love and be generous to others for life and hope, demonstrating the compassion and mercy of God that he has lavished on us.

We will obey the call to invest and pour life into others, seeking their development and success as radical disciples of Jesus.
Why the School of Missional Life?Because we have a loving Father who calls us to do incredible things? In one mind-blowing moment Jesus said those who ”believe in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these”! (John 14:12) This happened as Jesus taught and led his disciples into encounters with him where they discovered who they were, lived in relationship with Him, and become those who “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Jesus said that his disciples were in turn to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). The School of Missional Life is a 3-term journey to encounter more of Jesus, be transformed and to dare to believe for more. This is your time. Come and join us!
How much does the School of Missional Life cost?The course itself is is financially free, although each student will be asked to cover the cost of one short term mission trip which is an integral part of the course. The possible locations include Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Valencia and Romania. There are also three UK based destinations. Including travel the expected cost of a European based trip is £350-£450 and the UK trip is £100-£150. The other cost is one of a commitment to complete the 3-term course. There is an an attendance allowance for missed weeks and students will be required to serve in a local church outreach project at least two times a month, attend a short-term mission trip and complete the book studies and reading list.
What are the key dates for the 2024-2025 year?During term time the course will run most Thursdays on Zoom. Overall there will be 40 sessions. The sessions which will by Hybrid (physical meet and online) are; Pre-course briefing and interview night Tuesday 24th Sept (7.30pm-9.30pm) Course start and Father Heart Weekend with Mark Stibbe will be Friday 4 Oct (7.30pm-9.30pm) and Saturday 5 Oct (9am - 2pm) 2024. Disciples of Jesus - Friday 3 Jan (7.30pm-9.30pm) and Saturday 4 Jan (9am - 2pm) 2025. Disciples making disciples - Friday 25 Apr (7.30pm-9.30pm) and Saturday 26 Apr (9am - 2pm) 2025. Commissioning and Graduation will be on Thursday 10 Jul 2025 (7.30pm-9.30pm)
Why is the school primarily online?We appreciate that distance can be a barrier, and we have seen God work powerfully in and through people using online technology. One thing we have definitely found is that being online is no barrier to God moving among us! Many times we have experienced God's presence and transforming power in online worship, powerful talks and great coaching groups. In fact the testimonies of students this past year have increased more than ever! What we will do is hold physical meetings as well (over 2 days per term), 6 days in all where all who can will meet together in Milton Keynes UK. We will also stream and host these meetings online as well so that those who cannot make the journey are included.
What is the entrance criteria?That you are hungry for more and willing to commit to complete a 3-term journey of discovery, encounter and adventure. Because of mission trips format we have a lower age limit of 18. Also that you are willing to serve in a local church project twice a month and commit to one short-term mission trip. We promise it will be exciting! We have seen people from age 18 to 81 do the School of Missional Life and love it! It is a great training to do as a gap year before going to university too.
What can I expect of the School of Missional Life?We love worship and times of intimacy with God. We actively seek encounters with Him where we are changed and transformed. We also have fun and encourage each other to go further, do new things with activations (exercises to learn from), testimonies, mission, serving our communities and some great teaching and ministry from a wide range of speakers. We do life in smaller encouragement groups and we are a great family! Expect to be challenged and have your heart connected to the nations as you go on an exciting short-term mission trip. We have incredible stories of great things happening. Your time will come! The School of Missional Life meets online about three Thursdays a month, plus three Fridays and Saturdays over the course of the year. The online course is accessible by anyone with an internet connection! Experience what it is to be a disciple of Jesus and learn together with others hungry for more! Expect a year of refreshing, life changing encounters and challenges that will inspire you!
Is there an attendance requirement?The journey is important to us, and for you to graduate from the School of Missional Life you will need to complete the majority of the 39 sessions including the Father Heart weekend (4th and 5th of October). We allow for a maximum of six missed sessions over the year. You will also need to serve in a local church project twice a month and attend a short-term mission trip. Written work includes completing the home studies each term and book reflections.
Can I come and see what the School of Missional Life is like?Yes, certainly. We run multiple taster nights which we advertise during the three terms. It is free to come and taste the flavour! Please email us on admin@smlmk.org so we can welcome you well!
Does it matter what church I am from?You are welcome whether you are from another church in Milton Keynes, from further afield, another nation or not currently attending a church at all! The School of Missional Life is a Christian ministry school of New Life Church Milton Keynes, but the team includes people from many churches in Milton Keynes and overseas, which we love and celebrate! We love the body of Christ across the world and our passion is to serve and not compete, and to love our nations into life! As part of your commitment to the School, you will be asked to take part in a project serving the local church community, twice a month, as part of your growth and development. We believe this is a key part to the school syllabus and would encourage you to connect with either New Life Church in Milton Keynes or a local church to work out that opportunity. We will help you with this at pre-course briefing on Tuesday 24th September (7.30-9.30pm) and application stage too.
What if my English or writing skills are not as strong?We have had many students whose first language has not been English. All of the material and teaching will be in English but we also want to be as inclusive as possible so we can assist with audio books and/or time extensions for the book reflections. Also some students have used artwork or other creative ways of describing their journey. Audio downloads and other resources are available on the student portal of smlmk.org We have also occasionally used translation services depending on students language skills and we will try to help as much as possible!